Dunning Parish Historical Society in Perthshire Scotland has local Dunning history data including dunning village census and grave yard geneaology records Dunning history society logo text

12th December 2024
The Mills of the Lunan Burn

Speaker Maarten Versteeg

Our Speaker Anthea Deane with Chairman Elliott.

Anthea's talk was a perfect addition to Martin's talk last month. This one was
mostly about the mills themselves, the buildings and machinery, as well
as the people who worked them.
It was very well illustrated and extremely interesting.

Forthcoming DPHS Events

The public are very welcome to come to our meetings.
There is a small charge to cover the cost of tea and biscuits afterwards.

Currently planned events for 2025
(All events in the Village Hall at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated.)

Thursday 16th January
Scots Night with The Malcolms. (£12 Tickets in advance) Drs open 7pm

Thursday 20th February
Robert Anderson The meaning of the “Granco” the street name

Thursday 20th March
AGM & Duncan McNab “African Camping Adventures”

Thursday 17th April
Dr Kylie Murray “Lady Culross”

Thursday 15th May
David Maule “Stone of Density”

Saturday 21st June
Annual Barbecue, Dunning Parish Church 5pm

Thursday 18th September
Zara and Zubair Aslam Renovation of Dunning Primary School

Thursday 16th October
Lesley Venters Scottish Guide Dogs

Saturday 1st November
Annual Coffee Morning 10am – 12 noon

Thursday 20th November TBC
Thursday 18th December TBC

Annual Events

Several of our events are now annual traditions:-
  • A January Scots Night - our 'Nothing like a Burns Night'
    with a good meal and excellent entertainment.
  • A themed exhibition - during one of our always enjoyable November coffee mornings.


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