Dunning Parish Historical Society in Perthshire Scotland has local Dunning history data including dunning village census and grave yard geneaology records Dunning history society logo text

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This item is by Simon Warren.

The Kincladie Roman Camp
Information Board Story

Kincladie Wood

Kincladie Wood was purchased as a Community Wood in 2004 for the people of Dunning and is managed by the charity registered Dunning Community Trust. It is a wonderful asset, used for exercise and education by people of all ages, locals and visitors to the area.

The Roman Dyke

Visitors often wonder about this obviously man-made feature within the wood close to the Dunning end.

Locals of course knew that it was the remains of a Roman camp.

Researching the Romans

Until recently it was thought to be a marching camp, used for only one night by perhaps fifty thousand roman soldiers. The DCT decided to erect an information board to explain all this, and sought the help of the DPHS. We knew that more recent research suggests the much lower figure of twelve thousand soldiers but also thinks the camp would have been occupied on several occasions and for longer periods.

Preparing an Illustration

We did our own research: visited a library in Glasgow and museums in Edinburgh and Falkirk (near the Roman Antonine wall), and of course on the internet. Then we had to decide how much of what we learned could be displayed and illustrated on one board. We drew and painted illustrations, wrote explanatory text, put it all together on a PC then had it printed on aluminium before making a stand and setting it up.

Putting it together Building the Stand
Unveiling Ceremony

Following a short unveiling ceremony

Visitors Learning all about it.

the board can now be enjoyed by everyone.

The Completed Board


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